...has been going on in my life!
On december 10th, our little daughter Lilith Guinevere was born. She is a very good baby so far - lets me sleep at least parts of the night and keeps me awake during the day. Unlike our first kid, Dorian, she's growing and gaining weight like a troll - our doctor is really happy with her!
Dorian loves his little sister dearly and I have to be careful because he always wants to cuddle her and carry her...
The LO above was done for Kim B's color challenge on DSO - For the first time I have submitted a LO for this challenge, I just didn't have time to design a kit with the baby around :-) I used various professional use products made by Kim B - I love that stuff, her last grab bag was a stunner - again...
She also has a new kit out - it looks quite sweet and ist called Hearty Tarty and 25% off at the moment. There is another kit out that I love - and I hope I'll scrap with that for the whole year. It is called "LIFE 365" , available at Weeds and Wildflowers. It is designed to make it easier to follow through with project 365. It has a ton of 2 page 7 picture templates and is really easy to use . I scrapped with it already, and while I miss the challenge of actually doing the whole Layout, I can see myself doing this every week because it is so quick. And if I have time and want to, I can concentrate on scrapping Lilith's and Dorian's Baby pictures, our christmas pics and whatnot....
Here is my scrappy week three
I'm going to try to post a little more regularly this year. Maybe I'll manage to at least post my "project 365" things.
I'm going to make a post about our Christmas as soon as I find time to scrap some of the pictures...
See you around!
Farbenmix Adventskalender 2024 Tag 11
Adventskalender 2024 – Nähtag 11 14. Dezember Fast fertig! Lass uns heute
noch den Rest machen. HIER findest Du die Anleitung. Du hast noch nicht
5 weeks ago