OK, so I'm not the most reliable blogger....
Grab a glass of lemonade (or some hot chocolate if you're in the southern hemnisphere) because this is a loooooong post!
July was a full month and it's really hot here - I have to admit that I just didn't want to be inside on the computer, I'd rather hang out at a public pool with my kids. Today it is supposed to be too hot to do that, though. It's supposed to go up above 100°F and thats not a temperature that I am cmfortable with and neither are my kids.
I pulled down all the blinds on the sunny side of our apartment and plan to hang up a couple of wet sheets for cooling. The problem is that it never gets that hot in Austria, so we don't have air condition (most people dont). If it gets too unbearable, I'll go to the mall in the afternoon, because its cool there...
I started as a Designer at Scrap Bird and the July and you can get the collab kit now free with your purchase! Its soooo cool! I loved working with the colors!
Check out my shop while you're there, I uploaded some nice kits and there's a lot more comming soon!
Dorian turned 3! We had a big celebration with most of his friends on sunday, with cake and picknick and balloons and stuff! I believe that a kids birthday should be special, but I don't intend to play along in the "my kids birthday is more exclusive/expensive/exciting/whatever than your kids birthday"-game. There's absolutely nothing wrong with celebrating with a picknick on the playground! I had some games for them, but I didn't need them. They were happy playing on the playground.
I had to prepare the food and drinks (chocolate cake, home-made lemonade and breaded mini pork chops and potato salad for the picknick) and I did that the night before so I would have some peace on Dorians Birthday, but that sort of didn't work. We had friends over for a night of boardgames, and it was almost three am when I went to bed (cake, lemonade and salad done, though). I counted on the kids naptime to finish the rest, but instead I fell asleep with them. I had about 1 hour to prepare the pork chops before I had to leave to decorate the playground. Chris helped me a lot! And I got there in time! but I'm still cleaning up today...
Dorians cake! He loved the little sea animals on t! And he ate all of them!
We tried to keep the presents to a minimum, but he still got a lot. I'd rather give him one or two nice things that he can actually apreciate than a wagonload of crap...
And he got presents from his friends, also! We had so much fun, and Dorian loved it. Well, I'll do it again next year...
And I have a cute kit in store! Check out my shop for some more of my work :-) The Kit is called A Cherry on top and you can find it HERE. At only $2.50 its a real bargain.
and of course I have a freebie for you! Its a little add on to the above kit. You can also win the full Kit! Download the freebie and make a LO with it. Post it to at least 3 galleries (digishoptalk should be one of them if possible, the gallery at scrapbird.com would be great!), with a link to my store at scrapbird if possible, and post links to the galleries in the comments section. Please include some kind of contact information! e-mail is great, your nick at scrapbird or digishoptalk is totally fine. This challenge will be up until July 29th (next wednesday).
I will pick the LO I like best (I might pick more than one) and send that person a cupon code to dl the full product.
If you are interested in being part of my creative team, say so in your post. I'll send you the link to a litle kit to play with :-)
Now, grab the freebie HERE and go play with it!
Keep groovin'
Farbenmix Adventskalender 2024 Tag 11
Adventskalender 2024 – Nähtag 11 14. Dezember Fast fertig! Lass uns heute
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5 weeks ago