Wednesday, 16 November 2011

His first (written) word!

  Mr  Noodles is getting the hang of this whole "writing" thing. One of the cards in his workboxes told him to do sommersaults, but he decided to do cool sommersaults - and he wrote it on the card without any help from me. Yes, it is spelled wrong. No, I don't care. I'm terribly proud of him!
ust in case you're interested - Purzelbäume are sommersaults on the floor (or matress, in our case) and the right spelling would be "coole" NOT "Kulä" but he sounded out his letters and that's what he came up with :-)

Mr Noodles kriegt langsam raus, wie die Geschichte mit dem Schreiben funktioniert. Auf einer Karte in einer seiner Lernkisten steht "Purzelbäume". aber er beschloss, "coole" Purzelbäume zu machen - and er hat es ganz ohne meine Hilfe auf die Karte dazugeschrieben! Ja, er hat es ganz falsch geschrieben. Ja, das ist mir ganz egal. Ja, ich bin stolz auf ihn!


1 comment:

  1. So totally awesome! If he decides to become a writer that card will be even more precious!
