Tuesday 22 November 2011

Top ten tuesday best boardgames for families / Brettspiele für Familien

We are passionate boardgamers, and since games make wonderful christmas presents I thought I could share some of them - maybe they are useful for some of you? My DH (darling husband) prepared this awesome list for you :-) Thank you, hun!

Wir sind mit ganzem Herzen Brettspieler und weil Spiele sehr schöne Weihnachtsgeschenke sind, dachte ich mir ihr wolltet warscheinlich gerne ein paar tips haben. Mein LM (lieber Mann) hat netterweise diese tolle Liste für Euch zusammebgestellt :-) Danke, Schatz!

A good family game for me is a game that has enough strategy as to offer
differnt strategies to win the game but enough luck so that the little ones
don´t get crushed. I also do not believe in holding back and letting children
win. I do not mind getting the outside track to make it harder for me, but
it is really important that children learn to lose, to win and to think.
Nice little game where too much greed leads to sunken boats. 8 and up
A game to be mean. Some kids like that, some don´t. No one knows your kids better than you do.
A racing game to be played on a tabletop. It is great fun to learn to move you vacuum around.
Be prepared for your kids to get the hang of this faster than you are and you won´t ever win again.
maulwurf company
My favourite. It´s easy, It speeds up and it´s a challenge for young and old.
A reaction game. The children should be older and you must make sure that players
do not get too competitive or this may lead to injuries.
ninja vs ninja
Kids just love to beat figures from a board. This game only takes 5-10 minutes and is great fun
6 and up.
Build little robots to order. It takes a little planning, so again for larger kids.
A very cool dexterity game from haba. You have a metal plate and put differently colored
marbles on it. Now you try to wash out all the rubble and keep the gold while the other
players bet on your abilities.
A very nice social game of associating pictures. Kids can play that easy as soon as they are in school.
zap zerapp
A race where you have to pick figures and listen closely on how much movement they allow you.
But get too greedy and you stay in your space.

1 comment:

  1. You are completely right about kids needing to learn to "win, lose and think," Vee! Learning to win AND lose helps so much with learning how to think - unde4rstanding why they won or lost.
