Tuesday, 22 September 2009

Freebie Mamia! I need your vote!

Voting is open on SAS for round three! And to celebrate the occasion (and because I wantr the added traffic from the freebie search engines :-D) there is another freebie for you - or better, two!

Thei both are add ons to the main kit, one is an alpha and the other some more doodly elements - and if you want to see my designs on Stone Accent Studios, please VOTE for me!

get them HERE:

vowels are multi colored

The snake frame is per request from my husband :-)

Tomorrow I have a paperpack for you! I just love doing papers!

I'm so excited! I keep refreshing the Voting Page every couple of seconds...


  1. This is Great!! TYSM Good Luck for the Vote at SAS..I will be rooting for you :-D

  2. Choosing my other two votes right now. ;) Thanks for the extras and can't wait for those papers! The papers are my challenge as a designer, so I envy your talent with them!

    Good luck with the voting, Vee!!!

  3. Lovin the kit! I knew you could do it. Your in the lead, so best of luck in staying there and in the final round.

  4. Veelana, I love your kit the best there, because yours has the PERFECT blend of colors and textures. the others are all too much orange, rust, yellows, and green.. but you added some white, too, and it's perfect and pleasing to the eyes!

  5. I just voted for you, and it looks like you're well in the lead! Rightfully so, I thought your kit was easily the best. Good luck!

  6. I love your style, and hope you make it to SAS!! I have tried to download the alpha for the Fall Fest kit, and just can't get it to happen? I know you've been flat out busy, but hoped that maybe you'd have a chance to respond now that the major work is done!!! Just waiting for results of all your labor!!! Hoping to get your alpha,,,,redjanfan
