Tweet Hello everyone,
Its Monday - time for another feature! This week I had a chance to talk to the lovely Diane of CraftsWithHeart who shares some behind the scenes info with us! If you read all the way to the end, there's a little surprise waiting for you!
Vee: Hello there! Its great that you found the time for this interview! Can you tell me a bit about you?
My Etsy shop is CraftsWithHeart which is filled with top-quality handmade fashions for Waldorf dolls in natural fabrics. I was featured in several Gymbofriends Treasury lists in 2010.
My Facebook site is Craftswithheart Dressler.
I have been sewing doll clothes for well over 20 years. I've progressed from Barbie, to Cabbage Patch, American Girl and Bitty Baby, to my current favorite love, the Waldorf dolls! I was encouraged to start sewing for these precious dolls by a terrific customer with four little girls after they gave up their Bitty Baby dolls in favor of Waldorfs. It was great advice!
This is great - where can I find your beautiful work?
My etsy shop is here:
And here is my facebook page: Craftswithheart Dressler
What does your day look like?
I have not held a day job since I left my administrative assistant position 24 years ago when we had our first son. We then had another son and I have always been a stay-at-home mom with sewing as my past time, passion and passport to the world of little girls. Both of our sons are engaged to be married this year, so maybe I'll be blessed with a granddaughter some day.
My days start late, i.e., I really don't do mornings; and end late, often 2 or 3 a.m. After getting up, I go out for a little air and some lunch, run a few errands, and then it's sewing the rest of the day and evening. This holds pretty true for all seven days of the week.
Do you have any Tips that you want to share with other artists?
My tips would be to enjoy what you are doing and enjoy the interaction with your customers. Stay current in your area of expertise. A Facebook page for your business and activity on Facebook pages related to your area are probably the best ways to be “found”. Don't get discouraged. It's amazing what even one sale can do for your enthusiasm. Photography is my weakness, and I hope to improve there. It really is as important as we always hear from the well-schooled Etsians.
Do you want to offer a discount for our lovely readers?
I'd like to offer a 25% discount for the month of February for any order generated from this blog. The buyer should indicate "Veelana" when they purchase and WAIT for the discounted invoice I'll send to their email address.
Thank you so much for taking the time to do this! I really like doing these features - if you, or someone you know should be a Monday Maker on this blog, contact me! I would love to talk to you!
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